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About us

MAGREM Ltd is leading supplier of the elements for joining proccess in mechanical engineering and civil engineering, but as well as tools and accessories.

We proudly like to present our foreign partners and their products, which can be seen in our warehouse. After first purchase you will be permanently assured in a quality of the products, and you will become our respective business partner.


Our previous experience, assortment and quality of the goods, with professional attitude towards all domestic and foreign partners, shapes our success.

An increasing number of new and a few thousand of existing customers give us all the right to hope that You will be joined to the group of our successful partners.


Download our catalogue, where You can find all the basic information about the brands and manufacturers in our offer. We are available for all additional information about products, prices and ways of delivery.

Detailed technical information with prices, quantities and ordering instructions can be found on the PRICE LIST page.

Download our price list to get all informations.

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Our team of specialist is available to answer any question about our products. Aware of how support is important our main aim is to find the best solution for every customer.